Thursday, April 30, 2009

A-Rod, A-Rod, A-Rod. You aren’t even trying to make my job difficult, are you?

NOTE: This is the first post by my partner in crime, Jordan Guinn. It is published under my name due to current technical difficulties.- F.G.

Once again, Alex Rodriguez has found himself embroiled in another controversy. Sports Illustrated reporter Selena Roberts has written a book on the troubled Yankee third basemen that will drop on May 4. The book contains allegations that Rodriguez has been juicing since high school, tipped pitches while playing in Texas to opposing players during blowouts in the hopes of receiving the same treatment and was affectionately nicknamed “Bitch Tits” by his fellow Yankee teammates.

Roberts even talks about Rodriguez with the self-proclaimed “Godfather of Steroids,” Jose Canseco. Canseco says he believes Rodriguez was probably doing steroids since high school because Rodriguez was nearly able to bench press the same amount as him when he was 18.

Snippets of Roberts’ book were published in the New York Daily News on Thursday.

There is also a rumor that the Hooters girls hated Rodriguez because he tipped the minimum of 15 percent. If the New York Hooters girls look anything like the Sacramento Hooters girls, they should feel lucky to get 15 percent.

At any rate, these juicy allegations add to the never-ending sideshow that is Rodriguez’s life. He made his bed and deserves every horrible thing that has been said about him, but I can’t help but feel intense pity for his children who have to watch their father vilified on a near daily basis.

They may have more money than they will ever need, but I would gladly be broke rather than be exposed to what a punk my father is on a regular basis.

However, I cannot resist the urge to take a wet crap on Rodriguez; it’s just too much fun. As a San Francisco Giants fan, I feel tremendous relief that he is not wearing orange and black.

Rodriguez will be back on the field in a matter of weeks. He will probably receive quite a “Bronx Cheer” in the new Yankee Stadium, but my guess is there will be so few people in attendance we won’t be able to tell either way.

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